Dog Walking / Drop in Service Booking Form
Data Protection
The information you provide on this form will be held by New Dawn - Cornwall. Your information will not be used for any other purpose by New Dawn - Cornwall and will not be passed onto any other third party without your permission. The information you provide on this form will be retained for its purpose, after which period it will be destroyed in a secure manner. All personal information held by New Dawn - Cornwall is held safely in a secure environment.
Before submitting, we suggest you print this page so that if there is a problem, you have your responses and can easily copy them into the form again to submit. You should be able to print a page from your browser to a PDF, assuming you have that installed. Or, copy all the text on this page by highlighting with your mouse and paste into a word processor, like Microsoft Word or Google Docs (which is free).
After submitting, you should get a confirmation message that says the form was successfully submitted and you will get an emailed copy of the form you submitted. If none of this happens, then the form did not submit properly and you will have to try again.
If the form will not submit or you cannot sign it with your mouse, the problem is likely that either that you have missed fields that require information, your browser/computer security settings are set too high, or your browser cache needs to be cleared. If those solutions do not work, then you might be able to print or save this page with all the information filled in as a PDF, if you have the capability installed on your computer. If so, then you can email the PDF to us. If none of the above works for you, you can print this page, fill it out by hand, then scan and email it back to us.